Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Buffet of Lists: What Makes a Church Healthy?

I came across a list of characteristics of a healthy church, and thought to myself, "I wonder how many lists like this are out there?" There are a lot.

Here are several of them. Many things are the same in each list, but some different things pop up in each list. If nothing more, it's interesting food for thought. Here are some of the lists:

Steven A. Macchia gives these 10 Characteristics of a Healthy Church
1. God's Empowering Presence
2. God-Exalting Worship
3. Spiritual Disciplines
4. Learning and Growing in Community
5. A Commitment to Loving and Caring Relationships
6. Servant-Leadership Development
7. An Outward Focus
8. Wise Administration and Accountability
9. Networking with the Body of Christ
10. Stewardship and Generosity

Mark Dever has suggested 9 Marks of a Healthy Church
1. Preaching
2. Biblical Theology
3. The Gospel
4. Conversion
5. Evangelism
6. Membership
7. Discipline
8. Discipleship
9. Leadership

Dr. Richard Krejcir gives this list of 12 Characteristics of the Healthy Church
1. the clear uncompromising teaching of God’s Word.
2. impacting worship.
3. passion for the Lord.
4. heartfelt Prayer.
5. Making Disciples.
6. love and care that is penetrating.
7. leadership development.
8. outreach and missions.
9. powered vision.
10. effective stewardship.
11. appropriate programming.
12. replication.

From the United Methodists, we have Eight Characteristics of a Transforming Congregation
1. Empowering Leadership
2. Gift-Oriented Ministry
3. Passionate Spirituality
4. Functional Structures
5. Inspiring Worship
6. Holistic Small Groups
7. Need-Oriented Evangelism
8. Loving Relationships

Andy Stanley has a best-seller: 7 Practices of Effective Ministry
Practice #1 – Clarify the Win
Practice #2 – Think Steps, not Programs
Practice #3 – Narrow the Focus
Practice #4 – Teach Less for More
Practice #5 – Listen to Outsiders
Practice #6 – Replace Yourself
Practice #7 – Work On It

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